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Meet a 2023 VIP: Cory Steinke

Cory Steinke, lead electrician at the Fond du Lac Operations Center in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, is used to people at his local park asking why he never seems to leave. “I laugh and tell them our family’s season is about 122 days long, and we will be at a ballpark somewhere in the state between 110 and 115 of those days,” Steinke said.

In addition to his job at Alliant Energy, Steinke coaches two softball teams for the Oakfield Recreation Department during summers and serves as the volunteer basketball and bowling coach for the Oakfield School District during the school year. He’s also treasurer of the Oakfield Recreation Association.

“On top of managing the finances of the Rec Department, Cory also takes a large role in upgrading the community’s softball/baseball diamond,” said Tim Babler, a lead electrician who works with Steinke at Alliant Energy. “He spent countless hours organizing the construction of new dugouts, fencing, materials, et cetera, as well as being on-site turning wrenches and driving nails. He selflessly gives his time for coordinating, sending emails, running practice and coaching the games.”

It isn’t just time and energy Steinke gives to his community, Babler said. “There is also no way to count the money he spends out of his own pocket for the fuel, food and out-of-town lodging this volunteer time requires.”

Steinke was inspired to be a volunteer coach after watching his own parents serve the community as coaches and organizers. “As a child I was always impressed by how grateful people were for all of the effort they put back into the community to help make it better,” said Steinke. “Maybe what I do today will inspire the next generation to make a difference in their own community.”

Continuing a community legacy appeals to Steinke. “I want to lay another brick upon the foundation they worked so hard to build. I want the leaders of yesterday to see how hard the community leaders of today work to continue their legacy.”

Alliant Energy recognizes Cory Steinke with a Values in Practice (VIP) award, an honor that celebrates employees who donate time and energy to the communities Alliant Energy serves.

All 2022 VIPs will receive a $500 grant to donate to the nonprofit of their choice. The company thanks Cory and the other VIPs for how they act for tomorrow, do the right thing, make things better and care for others – the very values that shape everything Alliant Energy does.
“Maybe what I do today will inspire the next generation to make a difference in their own community.”
Cory Steinke

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