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Protecting fire investigators with quality gear

The Mason City Fire Department in Mason City, Iowa, provides 24/7 firefighting services to an area of 60 miles around the city.

When fires occur, the department follows up to determine the cause, which helps improve fire prevention programs. Investigating the cause can be dangerous. Investigators risk their lives to gather knowledge and evidence that may save others through prevention.

Until recently, Mason City Fire Department investigators wore standard firefighting gear. It was bulky, heavy and it prevented them from moving around easily and investigating for long periods.

“Wearing traditional fire-fighting gear is like wearing winter clothing,” said Fire Marshall Jamey Medlin.

In partnering with the Mason City Fire Department, Alliant Energy crew members recognized the old gear hampered the investigators’ ability to perform their job safely and thoroughly. As a result, Alliant Energy donated funds to help update firefighter gear and tools. Investigators now wear protective clothing that helps reduce cuts and burns, 3M respiratory protection and lightweight helmets with panoramic lighting.

“The lighter, less bulky gear provided by Alliant Energy is a blessing during the summer months when temperatures are in the 70s or above,” said Medlin. “The gear reduces the risk of heat exhaustion while still giving our investigators cut and burn protection. The gear also protects from health hazards as well as traditional fire-fighter gear does. With cancer diagnoses among fire investigators increasing, we welcome this opportunity to protect our workers.”

In the last three years, Mason City Fire Department responded to nearly 25,000 calls and investigated 381 fires. Alliant Energy provided support and assistance to approximately 125 fires and 93 gas line strikes by contractors. Alliant Energy also responds to motor vehicle accidents involving power lines and poles.

“Alliant Energy staff are always professional. They operate in a safe manner while at emergency scenes and are always willing to assist and coordinate operations in a way that does not interfere with the emergency response.”

As a company with a strong commitment to community safety, Alliant Energy is proud to partner with the Mason City Fire Department to protect firefighters and the public through prevention.

“The lighter, less bulky gear provided by Alliant Energy is a blessing during the summer months when temperatures are in the 70s or above.”
Mason City Fire Marshall Jamey Medlin

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